Course Objectives
The objective of the module is to introduce students to the modern technologies and methods of functional management of L&SC which combined with methods and algorithms of optimization of Business Research are the core for the development of powerful ERP & WMS Information Systems. Upon completion of the course, students will be familiar of the requirements and functions that a modern Warehouse Management System (WMS) must contain and how it is integrated into modern ERPs as a management subsystem to expand the business management of the company.
Course Description
The course presents how WMS as a management subsystem of an ERP that is possessed by the principles and rules of L&SC enables real-time visualization of the movements of a warehouse. Coverage of special markings (SSCC, GS1-128), multiple measurement units and specific attributes with full Lot traceability and simultaneous Barcode support in all phases of the supply chain. It presents the solution of stock capture problems and finding the best route during the Picking process using wireless RF terminals. Finally, the evolution of ERP systems and the modern forms of their implementation are presented (eg SaaS - Software as a Service), while at the same time their individual subsystems are examined, such as the Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM Systems), Advance Planning and Scheduling (MPS). , MRP, CRP Systems), Business Intelligence (Data Intelligence, Data Warehouse Systems) and Electronic Commerce (e-business system).
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